Bullseye Answering Service, LLC


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About Us

At Bullseye Answering Service, LLC our remote receptionists answer incoming phone calls for people too busy to answer their phone during the busy work day. We answer all your incoming calls...or...overage calls you can't get to...plus...after hours calls, over the weekend and on Holidays go to voicemail and are forwarded to you via email. Bullseye Answering Service LLC is month to month...no long term contracts...we charge on a call volume per calendar month...this assures a ''no surprise'' monthly payment...with a generous call volume spread to help with affordability for our clients. We want you back every month! With Bullseye you will...Never miss a call...Be able to prioritize your follow up...Partner with a local North Idaho company that is part of your community...and...be able to take care of business while we cover your incoming calls for just a few dollars a day!

Rep/Contact Info

Debbie Keeley
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Tom Keeley